Thursday 11 June 2015

Universe is working same as described in veda science accept

Universe is exactly same as described in vedas science confirming it.

According to science how much universe is old.

We don't know how our universe has born and how much it is old. Accroding to scientist there are one major acceptble theory called Big Bang. According to this theory "Universe is concerntrated in small dot of energy ,our whole universe's energy is concentrated in dot that is smaller than atom suddenly something happend and universe start expanding and after that forces had made then after cooling our universe reach position where it is now."According to science our universe's age is 13-20 Billion years.

Universe's age and timelaps described in veda.

According to rigved verse 10- 121 ,it is described that Bramha has 100 Years of life.First In vedas it is made simple to understand. When earth complete one round of sun it is one year for earth same as when universe complete one cycle on its axis it is considerd one year for universe. Bramha's one year is equal to 360 days. His

  • 1day=28 Manvantra
  • 1 Manvantra=71mahayug
  • 1mahayug= 4yug
  • Accroding to rigved 1 Mahayug= 43,20,000 Earth years.

    We consider only first half of kalpa I will tell you reason later in artical. Between two Manvantra there is time of 1 satyuga. In 14 Manvantra there is 15 spaces (one before starting manvantra) so there is 15*4/10 =6 extra Mahayug. (satyug is 40% of mahayug therefore it is 0.4mahayug.) Total mahayug=14*71+6=1000 mahayug therefore total time in kalpa is 43,20,000*1000=4320000000 years means 4.32 billion years.

    Now most important paradox between science and vedas

    According to rigveda when brahmha comes to night(second half of kalpa) everything get dissolve and comes to point where it started and ready for new universe. but, That means universe's age should be less than 4.36 billion years. (Note:- Actual time universe began is 1942949000 years but science measure universe according to speed of galaxies moving from each other and base on oldest star. That mean base on atoms or radiation in today universe)

    How there is so much difference in numbers

    There is more theories now avaliable to proof that universe is really out of our understanding. Like , Eienstien has proved best theory ever that time's speed depens on density of space or gravity. That means time runs faster on moon than on earth.Therefore , When light passes through milkeyway it takes more time than as usual in empty space. There is areas in universe where light speed is faster and slower. Values may differ because of these areas and laws. Our measuring techniques are based on perfect condition that are now but it dont be same as in past. Scientist say that universe is expanding even faster than light that means our galaxys are going far at light speed or may be lower but we don't know how much this speed is in past and now. we measure time upon radioisotope but we dont know what is effect of gama radiation or other type of radiation on atoms. we have to find other greate techniques that used in veda.

    Now my best out of thinking and possibility of why everything dissolve in end of kalpa

    According to rigveda in second half of kalpa universe get dissolve. That is complicated to decribe that what they really want to say that everything again converted to energy or everything comes to point where atoms cant stand or every thing comes at big crunch(It is theory in which dark matter get poweful and compresses the universe again into point.)According to new scientific theory there is in universe ,there are energy states which maintain state of diffrent particales. This theory describe that when energy removed from water it converted to ice same as when energy was removed from space atoms or matter converted another state. That mean particals are converted to another state or directly converted to energy or converted to another type of matter. As making new type of universe. Rigveda says that bramha sleeps during the second half of kalpa that means they want to say that every law making universe like it is now are broken.Therefore force that make stay space will get lower slovely slovely and universe get compressed to dot again. This is the possibility of universe behaviour.

    Every day new theory comes and proved true changing our bilives about universe. We early thought sun permabulate earth but after research we found that earth permabulate sun. We know very little about universe. Everyday our understanding get better. We are really far from written in vedas. But someday we will understand it fully.

    "If we would understand our whole universe still there is new one again born with new kalpa."

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